Dr. Hizbaron delivered her speech at the first session at the conference.
The transformative futures: climate/sustainable South East Asia 2023 is a collaborative event hosted by Rijks Universiteit of Groningen, University of Thammasat, and Universitas Gadjah Mada [https://www.rug.nl/wubbo-ockels-school/calendar/2023/transformative-futures/]. The conference is part of the long process of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments and Paris Climate Agreement. The main ideas of this event is to develop synergies in the implementation of the sustainable development and climate change agendas facing cities in Southeast Asia.
Within the event, there are 5 delegates of Universitas Gadjah Mada. Prof Bakti Setiawan [Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Architecture], Prof Bambang Hari Wibisono [Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Architecture], Dr. Ari Susanti [Faculty of Forestry], Dr. Linda Yanti Sulistyawati [Faculty of Law] and Dr. Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron [Faculty of Geography]. Representing Faculty of Geography, Dr. Hizbaron presenting at the first session called SDGs and Risk Based Resource Management. The idea of the research is to evaluate praxis of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Impact Adaptation in the scope of Sustainable Development Goals Nr. 11. The key message of the conference is to discuss numerous direct of causality from SDGs and Climate Change Impact Adaptation which were delivered by Prof. Ronan Holzhacker (RuG).
Alia Fajarwati, MIDEC, delivered her presentation at the PhD Research Session
The day 1 conference is series of session delivered by participants. The events were conducted in the Conference Room of Royal Princess Hotel. The day has marked various lessons presented by colleagues from Thailand, Japan, The Netherlands, and Indonesia. Prof. Bakti Setiawan moderated the session 3 related to Sustainable Development and Climate Change, which also accommodate a presentation session from Dr. Ari Susanti entitled the relevance between SDGs and new capital city development. The day 2 conference is a combination between various case studies presented by professors and practitioners at the Embassy of the Netherlands for Thailand, in Bangkok. The morning session is started by two presentations from Indonesia, which was delivered by Prof. Bambang Hari Wibisono about the urban impact on climate change, and Dr. Linda Yanti who had explained her findings about the NDC on Climate Change Adaptation. The 2nd day afternoon session is a high-level meeting whereas the Ambassador and his colleagues shares ideas relevant to the achievement of Sustainability also Climate Change related agenda. The day 3 conference is PhD Day, which serves the media for PhD students to shares the idea and their research. Here, Alia Fajarwati, S.Si, M.IDEA, colleague at Faculty of Geography Universitas Gadjah Mada presented her work on her doctoral program about the Gender and Disaster Risk Management. In overall sense, the conference wraps up the idea of providing a book, consist of many chapters, that will contribute to the idea about Sustainability and Climate Change.