Sri Rum Giyarsih and Najib Fauzi
Population Study, Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada
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his research aims to identify urban sprawl levels and factors that influence these levels in sub urban areas of Yogyakarta. The method used in this research is the survey method and equipped with secondary data. The secondary data are originated from Districts in Numbers volume 1990-2014, an issue of the Office of Statistics (BPS) of Sleman and Bantul. Moreover, as an effort to complete the analyses, field observations were conducted. Furthermore, the data have been processed and analysed in descriptive, quantitative, and qualitative sort of method. The results indicated that for 21 years, namely 1990 to 2011, sub urban areas of Yogyakarta have undergone alteration on urban sprawl levels from a low in 1990, 2000 to 2008 on a medium, and in 2011 when the urban spraw/level was considered on a high. This research also identifies that the urban sprawllevels that existed in sub urban areas of Yogyakarta are influenced by the presence of universities and schools of higher education, hospitals, governmentâs offices, shopping centres, and housing built by some developers. Amidst of those various factors, universities and schools of higher education seem to be factors with the biggest influences toward urban sprawl levels.
Keywords: urban sprawl symptoms, sub urban areas of Yogyakarta, socioeconomic facilities.
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